CFA中国《对冲基金》系列讲座Institutional Investor Requirements机构投资者的需求是什么?
在本期对冲基金系列讲座,我们邀请了全球**的为机构投资者提供咨询的Albourne的几位合伙人来上海与大家交流,机会难得。内容包括海外关于对冲基金业绩报告和组合基金都是如何分析对冲基金的。国内******论坛亮相,**邀请,对此感兴趣的朋友可以报名!TIME & VENUETime19:00 - 21:00 (Registration: 18:30 - 19:00)14 January 2015, Wednesday
VenueRoom 303, 3/F, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai.上海市徐汇区淮海西路211号上海交通大学上海高级金融学院3楼303教室(场地方一楼可停车,停车费10元)
SYNOPSISIn this CFA China Hedge Fund Seminar, we are delighted to invite Albourne Partners to share their knowledge and understanding about how institutional investors may evaluate at private funds.Albourne Partners is a specialist consultant firm focused on advising investors on alternative asset classes including hedge funds, private equity, real assets & real estate. Albourne employs over 260 staff in 12 main offices globally, including London, Munich, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco and Connecticut and its clients have over $350 billion invested in alternative assets which includes some of the most sophisticated and successful investors in the world such as Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations, and Public & Corporate Pensions. Further information can be obtained from Address and Introduction
19:10-19:40Fund Managers - Best in Class: What should China managers aim for and why? This session will include a discussion on investment and governance
19:40-20:10Why Strong Operational Controls are important: Maximizing value for dollars spent - staffing, procedures, systems
20:10-20:40Transparency and Open Protocol: Importance of Disclosures and Transparency. Why Open Protocol?
Richard JohnstonManaging Director, Albourne Partners (Asia) LimitedRichard joined Albourne in September 2004 to set up and head their Asian region providing both research on Asian based managers and consulting services to investors. Richard spent the previous eleven years with UBS AG in Hong Kong and Singapore, in various senior positions managing equity proprietary trading, convertible bonds and prime brokerage in the region. Prior to this, he was with Baring Securities in London and Tokyo, specialising in arbitrage trading and risk management. Richard graduated in Computer Science from Manchester University, UK in 1981 and was admitted as a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales in 1984.
Debra NgManaging Director, Albourne Partners (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.Debra joined Albourne as Portfolio Analyst in 2006 and heads the Albourne Singapore office. Prior to that Debra was Regional Business Director of Strategy and business development at LFC Management Ltd (Singapore), (an Asian FoHF), for two years. Debra worked for four years at Citigroup Asset Management (Singapore) as Director, Institutional Advisory from 2000. Before that she worked at Capital International (Singapore) as Assistant Vice-President with Portfolio Management support and institutional client relationship management responsibilities from 1994 to 2000. Debra started her career as an Investment Analyst covering the Technology, EMS, Autos and small conglomerate sectors at DBS Investment Research (Singapore) from 1991 to 1994. Debra graduated from the California State University, Los Angeles (USA).
YEOH Choo San, CFADirector, Albourne Partners (Asia) LimitedChoo San helped set up Albourne’s Hong Kong office in 2004. She was the Head of Operational Due Diligence in Asia but is now part of the research team.Prior to Albourne, Choo San worked in a number of financial institutions including Deutsche Bank, UBS and Smith New Court (now part of Bank of America Merrill Lynch). Choo San is a CFA charterholder, an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and a graduate in Accounting and Finance from Loughborough University, UK.REGISTRATIONPleasesend your “Name+CFA ID+Company+Position+Email+Contact number” with the subject of “Institutional Investor Requirements” to to register for this seminar.