Before I start, just a little FYI. I had taken a few accounting and finance courses before the exams, so I may have better background than somebody else. I passed all 3 level on the first attempt.
Level 1: I did not use the notes at all, tried to read official books, but gave up since those books are not well wriiten and at a level for a typical US highschool kids. However, I did as many practice exams as I can and most importantly, learned from the mistakes I made. Results: handed in my exam papers a hour early for both sessions and PASSED. conculsion: nothing hard and tricky, but just a lot of subjucts need to be covered. And the schweser practice exams helped a lot.
Level 2: did not use the notes at all, tried and finished reading official books. i have to say this set of books are most useful in all 3 levels. Also did all 6 sets of practice exams from Schweser. Results: passed and managed to got off an hour early again. conculsion: the only level I learned something useful and it is hard.
Level 3: finished reading official books. These books are short, but similar to level 1 books, trying to explain every detail to you as if you are an idiot even though you have passed two levels. The concepts and focus of level 3 are heavily geared toward assets management. Also did all 6 sets of practice exams from Schweser and the official mock exams. Results: barely put down the last word in the morning written session and the afternoon session was relatively easy, manged to beat that last 30 min mark to leave ahead of the crowd. conculsion:it is not as easy as people think, not much calculation or memorization of formulas. it is more about understanding of concepts.
CFA 一级,主要困难可能有二。一是语言环境,整套 notes 的知识点并不难,难的是考生要习惯英文语境。方法无它,硬着头皮一页一页看,一句一句分析,坚持一两周下来就好了,可能你还会喜欢上英文简洁的表达方式。二就是每考必现的“道德部分”了,过两遍内容之后,要把精力放在做题上,通过做题可以比较准确地理解每条要求的意思,做过的题目也要多看几遍,分析一下案例的结构(什么机构, 什么职位的人, 发生的事件是什么,考点是什么)。
刚开始做题时,会一头雾水,因为案例中涉及的机构、人员、事件太多,而 且相互之间的关系又复杂,一不留神就会找不到北。******拿出我的秘密武器与大家分享, 呵 呵,考前一个月左右把 notes 里每章结尾页的考点复印出来,这样整套 notes 薄薄的精 华就轻 松握在手中了,而且隐蔽性很好,工作不忙的时候可以看两页,嘿嘿。
(2)备考 CFA 二级,对于不主修金融的人(比如本人)来讲是有些难度的,知识点太多, 不过值得高兴的是,所需的数学知识一如既往的简单。不能智取,只能强攻了,继续使用秘密武器。备考一级时用了五个月,较宽松,花五个月时间主要是因为初考不熟悉且巨贵无 比的考费给人的压力不是一般的大(考过了公司才给报销)。二级用了 4 个月左右。考前两 级时组织上还没强制买教材,所以只是捧着 notes 来啃。备考 08 年 6 月的 CFA 三级时,精 美的、砖头样的教材飘洋过海来看我了,盯着它们整整三周,努力翻了两页,最终还是决定 收藏之, 以纪念自己三年的悲壮。 时间实在太紧张了, 不到三个月时间, 于是打到老号码上, 购得一套实惠好用的盗版 notes,真是亲切呀,薄薄的,可以随便乱画,不会心疼。跑题了, 咳咳。
(3)CFA 一级和二级考试形式相同,每次考一天,上午下午各三小时,所有考题均为单项 选择,咱们中国考生最喜欢的形式,上下午的考点一般不会重复,所以中午有时间的话可以 再看一下秘密武器上没有出过的考点。三级考试上午部分的形式完全不同,变为文字作答, 对于大部分中国考生,这便是难点。三级的考点主要是应用,将所有三级的知识点揉在一起 应用,尤其是要为个人客户和机构客户制定投资策略。备战上午部分的策略,主要是要注意 细节的理解,考题出的很细,一两个概念没搞明白,这道题就没法做。为考好上午部分,有 时间的话******看下教材,notes 毕竟是压缩版的,知识不连贯,妨碍理解。下午部分依然是 用秘密武器可以轻松过关。
CFA®考试备考已经开始,为了方便各位考生能更加系统地掌握考试大纲的重点知识,帮助大家充分备考,体验实战,高顿网校开通了全免费的CFA题库(包括精题真题和全真模考系统),题库里附有详细的答案解析,学员可以通过多种题型加强练习,通过针对性地训练与模考,对学习过程进行全面总结。关注微信公众号:一起学CFA 更多CFA资讯一手掌握 !